Red Metals, Yellow Women, White Guilt

This week I'm working on a year-end letter to tell all our clients, friends, regulators (and competitors) about what Good Point Recycling accomplished in 2010 - jobs, recycling, value, diversion, reuse, etc.

Meanwhile, here is a harmonious post from professional author / journalist / blogger Adam Minter.  He has taken a week off of to blog for The Atlantic.  Today's post is a gem (The Motor Breakers of China).  As usual, he says more than enough in fewer words.

If you come here for music, play the clip from Women should be an environmental priority.

EPA in Ethiopia, NYTimes in Cairo, The Atlantic in China.  Fair Trade Recycling will beat the dictators, obsolescence class, and ayatollahs of ewaste.  

Remember this 13 second gem from the fearless leader in Libya?  Saved and redistributed with a used 1999 CRT Monitor from a friend in North Africa.  He says to pay no attention to the dictator behind the curtain.

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